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Love Thy Enemy: A Lesbian Seduction (Warning: Sexually Explicit Content)

  Love Thy Enemy

  by Alexandra Rowan

  ©2012, Alexandra Rowan

  Originally published in I Kissed a Girl II, published by Ravenous Romance

  Other titles by Alexandra Rowan


  Smart Girls, Foolish Choices


  Sweaty Sex (Editor)

  Leah still tasted Vicki’s lips on hers and the flavor was breathtaking. She couldn’t believe that she could admit that, not even to herself, but it was true. No one had seen the kiss at least. And she was positive that they’d been out of the view of the library’s security camera when it’d happened. If Tom ever found out about it, she didn’t know what she would do.

  Vicki had a live-in boyfriend named Dan who would surely be livid that her lips had brushed against anyone’s but his, but screw her. She didn’t give a damn if her boyfriend shit a brick over it, and she didn’t give a damn about Vicki, period.

  And why the hell should I? She thought. Their relationship at the Buffalo Public Library had been frigid at best over the past five years. Leah blamed herself for none of their professional woes because she understood that a protocol for behavior and work ethic must be followed, and she couldn’t help it if Vicki had conceded to none of them.

  Whenever she’d raised the point to her colleagues, she’d been met with answers like Oh, you’ll never change her and If she gets in shit with the powers that be that’s her problem. But those answers had been simply insufficient for her. She worked her fingers to the bone and she expected her co-workers to at least carry their own weight.

  She’d taken charge of that sentiment last December when she’d caught Vicki surfing the internet at the circulation desk. She loathed that habit more than anything and Vicki was a seasoned pro at it. And so she’d levelled an official complaint with the library director’s office. Rumor had had it that Steve had gone easy on Vicki, but had threatened to write her up should the event ever repeat itself.

  Vicki had refused to speak to her for a month following the fiasco and Leah supposed that she’d known that it’d been she who’d blown the whistle on her. Co-workers had regarded her with a manner of disgust, which had been part and parcel of working in a union shop, she supposed. And yet she saw herself as a woman with convictions who had done her duty by reporting Vicki.

  And Vicki had achieved retribution in some respects. Leah had run an evening film program, had been short on volunteers, which led to everything going haywire. She’d snapped at Vicki when she hadn’t stepped lively enough to help her serve the crowd. The spat—or temper tantrum as her colleagues had dubbed it—had triggered her own meeting with library director Steve. The meeting had yielded the same results as Vicki’s internet-gate episode.

  In spite of her colleagues’ insistence that she’d been in the wrong—she’d taken every opportunity to bitch about it, after all—she couldn’t believe that anyone could defend that woman for any reason. Vicki should have been fired eons ago and, in any other work place, she would have been.

  Then Leah had taken her turn to serve up some cold shoulder treatment. She’d managed to perform every duty that concerned Vicki sans excess verbiage. In fact, she’d said nothing to her at all whenever she’d been able to help it.

  And when she’d been asked to cover the circulation desk for an evening shift, she’d been required to relieve Vicki at five o’clock. An abrupt dinner hour had forced her to be five minutes late, by which time Vicki had walked off the desk, leaving it unattended. Leah had chased her to the back and confronted her.

  “Excuse me, but you can’t just walk off the desk like that!” Leah shouted. “What if someone has an accident? You would’ve left them all alone!”

  “Sorry babe,” Vicki answered, “but when five o’clock rolls around I’m done for the day. Up to you to be here on time.”

  “Oh that’s a great attitude.”

  Vicki raised her fingers as if to rebut, but instead their arms opened up and they took each other. Leah’s lips tasted magnificent meshed with hers, and she loved to be pressed against her firm, round breasts. Vicki’s tongue burrowed into her mouth and she hadn’t objected. Then her fingers combed through Vicki’s fiery red hair.

  When their lips parted, Leah felt like duct tape had been torn off of her mouth at light speed. They stared at each other, stunned, wiped their lips off and darted in separate directions.

  * * *

  Leah arrived at the library early in response to Vicki’s phone call requesting a private meeting. Probably just wanted privacy to tell her that she was going to level a sexual harassment complaint, she thought. But she couldn’t really do that. It hadn’t been she who’d motioned for the kiss. But then Vicki hadn’t precisely lunged at her either. Who had made the first move seemed terribly unclear.

  The tremors in Vicki’s voice suggested to Leah that she might have been scared that Leah would level a complaint of her own. She wasn’t ready to do so just yet, but it never hurt to keep that trump card tucked away.

  When the back door clicked open, Leah jumped, and she spotted Vicki with an ashen face. She looked as though she hadn’t slept a wink in the fourteen hours since the kiss. Leah herself had tossed and turned and had been unable to look Tom in the face. And the suspense was boring a hole through her. If she wasn’t going to be the first to speak then by God she was going to do it.

  “Last night was just a—” Leah started but Vicki unleashed the same phrase before they both stopped dead.

  “I just want you to know that what happ—”

  Again, Vicki cut her short. No doubt the bitch had been rehearsing lines too.

  “Who are we kidding?” Vicki said. “It was bound to happen sooner or later.”

  “It was?”

  “Of course it was. I remember boys in school that got on my nerves . . . boys that I absolutely hated . . . but on some level, I liked them. I wanted them. I didn’t have a crush; they just created a deep, heated desire in me, you know?”

  “I can’t believe I’m hearing this,” Leah frowned, “I won’t.”

  Even Leah would admit to herself that she threw up that kid of resistance as a defence mechanism. And, judging by Vicki’s plain expression, she wasn’t buying it.

  And when Vicki inched up on her, she brushed her lips against Leah’s, and Leah collapsed into her arms. And, this time, she was welcomed by more than just Vicki’s breasts. This time she felt Vicki’s nipples, hard and sharp, ready to rip through her shirt. The feeling made her own nipples grow rock hard and tension consumed her clitoris.

  Then Vicki enveloped her. Thank God for small favors, she thought. She’d lacked the strength to be assertive for both of them a second time. Their arms hooked around each other’s necks and their tongues burrowed into each other’s mouths.

  And it was happening all over again. They were getting fresh with each other in the work place, which was so very wrong, inappropriate and unprofessional. She couldn’t bring herself to continue such a down and dirty behaviour . . . and yet she could.

  Their lips parted. Vicki wrapped her arms around Leah’s waist and hoisted her onto the nearest desk. Shoving papers aside, Vicki hauled her shirt over her head to free her braless breasts. And they left Leah breathless in the truest sense of the word. Leah’s chest heated up as she found herself turned on by something that’d never sparked her desire before. Not only was she turned on, but she felt too wild now to stop herself.

  Vicki inched forward to feed Leah her nipple. Leah cupped Vicki’s right breast with both of her hands and sucked it like someone drinking from a jug of milk. All the while Vicki scrubbed Leah’s crotch and she wished for the fabric that stood between Vicki’s hand and her clit to vanish.

  Certainly they would reach that point soon enough, she thought. Leah knew because she saw the hunger in Vicki’s eyes, the desire. This woman knew what she wanted in the bedroom—or wherever she chose to fuck—and she was determined to have it sooner than later. Vicki’s boyfriend was a very lucky man indeed.

  Vicki gripped Leah’s blouse and tore it open too fast to hear the buttons pop. Leah jumped into the act by unhooking her bra and tossing it over her shoulder. Vicki slipped off Leah’s pants and panties, burrowed her face between her legs, and flicked her clit with fast, sharp strokes.

  Leah shouted from the abrupt pleasure. She’d never shouted when her own husband did that or anything else for that matter. Pleasure had been a quiet and private state to her until then. But when Vicki licked her pussy, she thought she would erupt with the most monumental orgasm of her entire life. Vicki must’ve known that though. Like any good lover, she knew how to pleasure her mate, but also when to turn down the heat so she wouldn’t come before they reached their crescendo.

  Then Vicki grabbed her own office chair, sat down and spread her legs. Leah had never even fantasized about this until now and she felt thrown off guard. She dropped to her knees and flicked Vicki’s clitoris with her tongue, first to experience the taste, and then to savor the experience. When she rolled her eyes up, she noticed Vicki’s head thrust back and her fingers clamped down on her nipples. The woman was putty in her hands and she needed only to continue to push her over the edge. So she continued flicking Vicki’s clitoris and worked her fingers into her sex.

  Vicki wrestled Leah to the floor, which seemed like the perfect spot for them. Down and dirty. Vicky had taught her to love her sex that way. Then Vicki’s legs burrowed between hers until their pussies met. Their labia meshed together and Vicky took charge, grinding, pounding and gyrating.

  Leah exploded with orgasms that she’d lost count of while Vicki’s grunts and groans told her that she was experiencing the same rush of pleasure. When they finished, they collected their clothes. Leah reeled from an experience that she didn’t regret, though she was glad not to have been caught by any co-workers.

  Leah’s lips parted, as she meant to thank Vicki, but Vicki stopped her. “You know this can’t happen again, right?”

  Leah paused. She didn’t know that it wouldn’t. She was certain that Vicky would piss her off again, that she would piss Vicky off likewise, and that they both would need to relieve some serious tension from their system.

  Maybe she would do something just to piss her off. Make a mess around her desk or maybe she would get extra snippy when something went wrong. And certainly Vicky would piss her off too. She could hope for that.



  Alexandra Rowan, Love Thy Enemy: A Lesbian Seduction (Warning: Sexually Explicit Content)

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